Australopithecus anamensis
Australopithecus anamensis
Age approx. 4.10 Million Years Digital Capture: Photogrammetry

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This is a piece of the left distal humerus (upper arm) of Australopithecus anamensis, the only hominid fossil found by Bryan Patterson’s first Harvard University expedition to Kanapoi, West Turkana, in 1966. At the time of its discovery the taxonomic assignment was ambiguous. However, some 30 years later, expeditions led by Meave Leakey, to the remote pebble covered fossil deposits of Kanapoi, recovered additional hominid remains. This specimen (KNM-KP 271) and the new fossils found at that time were then assigned to the new species Australopithecus anamensisAustralopithecus anamensis at Kanapoi is dated to between 4.1 and 4.2 million years. Several specimens have also been recovered from slightly younger sites, 3.9 Million years at Alia Bay on the east side of Lake Turkana.


The specimens displayed on this site are published specimens unless otherwise indicated. The information about the artifacts on this site is of a general nature only and unless otherwise indicated, has been written either by members of the African Fossils team, the National Museums of Kenya or the Turkana Basin Institute. The printed models are not of a high enough resolution to enable accurate scientific measurements and have generated using photogrammetry and in some cases low resolution digital models have been generated using laser scanners.

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