Metridiochoerus andrewsi
KNMER 61799
Age approx. 1.80 Million Years Digital Capture: Laser Scan

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This relatively complete skull of Metridiochoerus andrewsi belongs to a juvenile individual.  If you examine its teeth you can see they are made up of many pillars and are quite high crowned. This is an adaptation to a grass dominated diet. Metridiochoerus andrewsi had a diet which was grass dominated especially in the later forms of this species. In this individual the left and right M2 are fully erupted and the M3 is erupting.

This skull was found by Robert Moru in 2009 on the east side of Lake Turkana.

Metridiochoerus andrewsi is a sexually dimorphic pig with large males and smaller females. The adult males of this species display well developed zygomatic knobs, the protuberances near the eye sockets. These are absent in the females.


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