Gorilla beringei
Mountain Gorilla
Age approx. 0.00 Million Years Digital Capture: Photogrammetry

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This skull and mandible is a cast of a male, endangered, modern Mountain Gorilla, Gorilla gorilla beringei, found today in the Virunga Mountains of Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda. Mountain gorilla are sexually dimorphic with large males and small females. Mountain Gorillas form highly social groups where a single dominant male mates with the females. Louis Leakey initiated several long-term studies of modern great apes to provide some insight into their behaviors so as to better understand how our human ancestors might have lived. Diane Fossey studied the Mountain Gorillas in Rwanda, while Jane Goodall studied the chimpanzees at Gombe and Birute Galdikas studied the Orangutans in Borneo.


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